Program Listing for File point_data.h

Return to documentation for file (/home/docs/checkouts/

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include "opentelemetry/common/timestamp.h"
#include "opentelemetry/nostd/variant.h"
#include "opentelemetry/version.h"

namespace sdk
namespace metrics

using ValueType = nostd::variant<int64_t, double>;

// TODO: remove ctors and initializers from below classes when GCC<5 stops shipping on Ubuntu

class SumPointData
  // TODO: remove ctors and initializers when GCC<5 stops shipping on Ubuntu
  SumPointData(SumPointData &&)      = default;
  SumPointData(const SumPointData &) = default;
  SumPointData &operator=(SumPointData &&) = default;
  SumPointData()                           = default;

  ValueType value_   = {};
  bool is_monotonic_ = true;

class LastValuePointData
  // TODO: remove ctors and initializers when GCC<5 stops shipping on Ubuntu
  LastValuePointData(LastValuePointData &&)      = default;
  LastValuePointData(const LastValuePointData &) = default;
  LastValuePointData &operator=(LastValuePointData &&) = default;
  LastValuePointData()                                 = default;

  ValueType value_                                  = {};
  bool is_lastvalue_valid_                          = {};
  opentelemetry::common::SystemTimestamp sample_ts_ = {};

class HistogramPointData
  // TODO: remove ctors and initializers when GCC<5 stops shipping on Ubuntu
  HistogramPointData(HistogramPointData &&) = default;
  HistogramPointData &operator=(HistogramPointData &&) = default;
  HistogramPointData(const HistogramPointData &)       = default;
  HistogramPointData()                                 = default;
  HistogramPointData(std::vector<double> &boundaries) : boundaries_(boundaries) {}
  std::vector<double> boundaries_ = {};
  ValueType sum_                  = {};
  ValueType min_                  = {};
  ValueType max_                  = {};
  std::vector<uint64_t> counts_   = {};
  uint64_t count_                 = {};
  bool record_min_max_            = true;

class DropPointData
  // TODO: remove ctors and initializers when GCC<5 stops shipping on Ubuntu
  DropPointData(DropPointData &&)      = default;
  DropPointData(const DropPointData &) = default;
  DropPointData()                      = default;
  DropPointData &operator=(DropPointData &&) = default;

}  // namespace metrics
}  // namespace sdk