.. _program_listing_file_include_opentelemetry_trace_propagation_jaeger.h: Program Listing for File jaeger.h ================================= |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``include/opentelemetry/trace/propagation/jaeger.h``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp #pragma once // Copyright 2021, OpenTelemetry Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "detail/context.h" #include "detail/hex.h" #include "detail/string.h" #include "opentelemetry/trace/default_span.h" #include "opentelemetry/trace/propagation/text_map_propagator.h" OPENTELEMETRY_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace trace { namespace propagation { static const nostd::string_view kTraceHeader = "uber-trace-id"; template class JaegerPropagator : public TextMapPropagator { public: using Getter = nostd::string_view (*)(const T &carrier, nostd::string_view trace_type); using Setter = void (*)(T &carrier, nostd::string_view trace_type, nostd::string_view trace_description); void Inject(Setter setter, T &carrier, const context::Context &context) noexcept override { SpanContext span_context = detail::GetCurrentSpan(context); if (!span_context.IsValid()) { return; } const size_t trace_id_length = 32; const size_t span_id_length = 16; // trace-id(32):span-id(16):0:debug(2) char trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 6]; span_context.trace_id().ToLowerBase16({&trace_identity[0], trace_id_length}); trace_identity[trace_id_length] = ':'; span_context.span_id().ToLowerBase16({&trace_identity[trace_id_length + 1], span_id_length}); trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 1] = ':'; trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 2] = '0'; trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 3] = ':'; trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 4] = '0'; trace_identity[trace_id_length + span_id_length + 5] = span_context.IsSampled() ? '1' : '0'; setter(carrier, kTraceHeader, nostd::string_view(trace_identity, sizeof(trace_identity))); } context::Context Extract(Getter getter, const T &carrier, context::Context &context) noexcept override { SpanContext span_context = ExtractImpl(getter, carrier); nostd::shared_ptr sp{new DefaultSpan(span_context)}; return context.SetValue(kSpanKey, sp); } private: static constexpr uint8_t kIsSampled = 0x01; static TraceFlags GetTraceFlags(uint8_t jaeger_flags) { uint8_t sampled = jaeger_flags & kIsSampled; return TraceFlags(sampled); } static SpanContext ExtractImpl(Getter getter, const T &carrier) { nostd::string_view trace_identity = getter(carrier, kTraceHeader); const size_t trace_field_count = 4; nostd::string_view trace_fields[trace_field_count]; if (detail::SplitString(trace_identity, ':', trace_fields, trace_field_count) != trace_field_count) { return SpanContext::GetInvalid(); } nostd::string_view trace_id_hex = trace_fields[0]; nostd::string_view span_id_hex = trace_fields[1]; nostd::string_view flags_hex = trace_fields[3]; if (!detail::IsValidHex(trace_id_hex) || !detail::IsValidHex(span_id_hex) || !detail::IsValidHex(flags_hex)) { return SpanContext::GetInvalid(); } uint8_t trace_id[16]; if (!detail::HexToBinary(trace_id_hex, trace_id, sizeof(trace_id))) { return SpanContext::GetInvalid(); } uint8_t span_id[8]; if (!detail::HexToBinary(span_id_hex, span_id, sizeof(span_id))) { return SpanContext::GetInvalid(); } uint8_t flags; if (!detail::HexToBinary(flags_hex, &flags, sizeof(flags))) { return SpanContext::GetInvalid(); } return SpanContext(TraceId(trace_id), SpanId(span_id), GetTraceFlags(flags), true); } }; } // namespace propagation } // namespace trace OPENTELEMETRY_END_NAMESPACE