Program Listing for File runtime_context.h

Return to documentation for file (include/opentelemetry/context/runtime_context.h)

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once

#include "opentelemetry/context/context.h"

namespace context
// The Token object provides is returned when attaching objects to the
// RuntimeContext object and is associated with a context object, and
// can be provided to the RuntimeContext Detach method to remove the
// associated context from the RuntimeContext.
class Token
  bool operator==(const Context &other) const noexcept { return context_ == other; }


  friend class RuntimeContextStorage;

  Token() noexcept = default;

  // A constructor that sets the token's Context object to the
  // one that was passed in.
  Token(const Context &context) : context_(context) {}

  const Context context_;

class RuntimeContextStorage
  virtual Context GetCurrent() noexcept = 0;

  virtual nostd::unique_ptr<Token> Attach(const Context &context) noexcept = 0;

  virtual bool Detach(Token &token) noexcept = 0;

  virtual ~RuntimeContextStorage(){};

  nostd::unique_ptr<Token> CreateToken(const Context &context) noexcept
    return nostd::unique_ptr<Token>(new Token(context));

static RuntimeContextStorage *GetDefaultStorage() noexcept;

// Provides a wrapper for propagating the context object globally.
// By default, a thread-local runtime context storage is used.
class RuntimeContext
  // Return the current context.
  static Context GetCurrent() noexcept { return GetRuntimeContextStorage()->GetCurrent(); }

  // Sets the current 'Context' object. Returns a token
  // that can be used to reset to the previous Context.
  static nostd::unique_ptr<Token> Attach(const Context &context) noexcept
    return GetRuntimeContextStorage()->Attach(context);

  // Resets the context to a previous value stored in the
  // passed in token. Returns true if successful, false otherwise
  static bool Detach(Token &token) noexcept { return GetRuntimeContextStorage()->Detach(token); }

  // Sets the Key and Value into the passed in context or if a context is not
  // passed in, the RuntimeContext.
  // Should be used to SetValues to the current RuntimeContext, is essentially
  // equivalent to RuntimeContext::GetCurrent().SetValue(key,value). Keep in
  // mind that the current RuntimeContext will not be changed, and the new
  // context will be returned.
  static Context SetValue(nostd::string_view key,
                          const ContextValue &value,
                          Context *context = nullptr) noexcept
    Context temp_context;
    if (context == nullptr)
      temp_context = GetCurrent();
      temp_context = *context;
    return temp_context.SetValue(key, value);

  // Returns the value associated with the passed in key and either the
  // passed in context* or the runtime context if a context is not passed in.
  // Should be used to get values from the current RuntimeContext, is
  // essentially equivalent to RuntimeContext::GetCurrent().GetValue(key).
  static ContextValue GetValue(nostd::string_view key, Context *context = nullptr) noexcept
    Context temp_context;
    if (context == nullptr)
      temp_context = GetCurrent();
      temp_context = *context;
    return temp_context.GetValue(key);

  static void SetRuntimeContextStorage(nostd::shared_ptr<RuntimeContextStorage> storage) noexcept
    GetStorage() = storage;

  static nostd::shared_ptr<RuntimeContextStorage> GetRuntimeContextStorage() noexcept
    return GetStorage();

  static nostd::shared_ptr<RuntimeContextStorage> &GetStorage() noexcept
    static nostd::shared_ptr<RuntimeContextStorage> context(GetDefaultStorage());
    return context;

inline Token::~Token()

// The ThreadLocalContextStorage class is a derived class from
// RuntimeContextStorage and provides a wrapper for propogating context through
// cpp thread locally. This file must be included to use the RuntimeContext
// class if another implementation has not been registered.
class ThreadLocalContextStorage : public RuntimeContextStorage
  ThreadLocalContextStorage() noexcept = default;

  // Return the current context.
  Context GetCurrent() noexcept override { return GetStack().Top(); }

  // Resets the context to the value previous to the passed in token. This will
  // also detach all child contexts of the passed in token.
  // Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  bool Detach(Token &token) noexcept override
    // In most cases, the context to be detached is on the top of the stack.
    if (token == GetStack().Top())
      return true;

    if (!GetStack().Contains(token))
      return false;

    while (!(token == GetStack().Top()))


    return true;

  // Sets the current 'Context' object. Returns a token
  // that can be used to reset to the previous Context.
  nostd::unique_ptr<Token> Attach(const Context &context) noexcept override
    return CreateToken(context);

  // A nested class to store the attached contexts in a stack.
  class Stack
    friend class ThreadLocalContextStorage;

    Stack() noexcept : size_(0), capacity_(0), base_(nullptr){};

    // Pops the top Context off the stack and returns it.
    Context Pop() noexcept
      if (size_ == 0)
        return Context();
      size_ -= 1;
      return base_[size_];

    bool Contains(const Token &token) const noexcept
      for (size_t pos = size_; pos > 0; --pos)
        if (token == base_[pos - 1])
          return true;

      return false;

    // Returns the Context at the top of the stack.
    Context Top() const noexcept
      if (size_ == 0)
        return Context();
      return base_[size_ - 1];

    // Pushes the passed in context pointer to the top of the stack
    // and resizes if necessary.
    void Push(const Context &context) noexcept
      if (size_ > capacity_)
        Resize(size_ * 2);
      base_[size_ - 1] = context;

    // Reallocates the storage array to the pass in new capacity size.
    void Resize(size_t new_capacity) noexcept
      size_t old_size = size_ - 1;
      if (new_capacity == 0)
        new_capacity = 2;
      Context *temp = new Context[new_capacity];
      if (base_ != nullptr)
        // vs2015 does not like this construct considering it unsafe:
        // - std::copy(base_, base_ + old_size, temp);
        // Ref.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < (std::min)(old_size, new_capacity); i++)
          temp[i] = base_[i];
        delete[] base_;
      base_ = temp;

    ~Stack() noexcept { delete[] base_; }

    size_t size_;
    size_t capacity_;
    Context *base_;

  Stack &GetStack()
    static thread_local Stack stack_ = Stack();
    return stack_;

static RuntimeContextStorage *GetDefaultStorage() noexcept
  return new ThreadLocalContextStorage();
}  // namespace context