Program Listing for File default_span.h

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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#pragma once
#include "opentelemetry/common/attribute_value.h"
#include "opentelemetry/trace/canonical_code.h"
#include "opentelemetry/trace/span.h"
#include "opentelemetry/trace/span_context.h"

namespace trace

class DefaultSpan : public Span
  // Returns an invalid span.
  static DefaultSpan GetInvalid() { return DefaultSpan(SpanContext::GetInvalid()); }

  trace::SpanContext GetContext() const noexcept { return span_context_; }

  bool IsRecording() const noexcept { return false; }

  void SetAttribute(nostd::string_view /* key */,
                    const common::AttributeValue & /* value */) noexcept

  void AddEvent(nostd::string_view /* name */) noexcept {}

  void AddEvent(nostd::string_view /* name */, common::SystemTimestamp /* timestamp */) noexcept {}

  void AddEvent(nostd::string_view /* name */,
                common::SystemTimestamp /* timestamp */,
                const common::KeyValueIterable & /* attributes */) noexcept

  void AddEvent(nostd::string_view name, const common::KeyValueIterable &attributes) noexcept
    this->AddEvent(name, std::chrono::system_clock::now(), attributes);

  void SetStatus(StatusCode /* status */, nostd::string_view /* description */) noexcept {}

  void UpdateName(nostd::string_view /* name */) noexcept {}

  void End(const EndSpanOptions & /* options */ = {}) noexcept {}

  nostd::string_view ToString() { return "DefaultSpan"; }

  DefaultSpan(SpanContext span_context) : span_context_(span_context) {}

  // movable and copiable
  DefaultSpan(DefaultSpan &&spn) : span_context_(spn.GetContext()) {}
  DefaultSpan(const DefaultSpan &spn) : span_context_(spn.GetContext()) {}

  SpanContext span_context_;

}  // namespace trace